Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Happy 11th Birthday INDIUM! ! !

Today APO marked its eleven years operation as Asia Pacific's HQ in S'pore and i'm with Indium for app. 2yrs 20days (excluding the temp period). We had a simple lunch buffet and cake cutting session as usual. Time really fly by w/o us knowing and we are already into the 2nd half of 2006...Wow...

So now it's time for my short 'speech' pertaining to my feelings & thoughts towards this company :p Even though an American base company but it's very much locally operated (local management). Still remember vividly that when i first came in as a temp 2yrs plus ago, i was taken aback by its surrounding....Not that the building is small-scaled (two storey, no canteen, manpower of 40) or because of it's strategically poor location (nearest bus stop - 15mins walk)...It's the opposite prominent foreign workers' hostel that i was shocked to see! OMG!!! Those who know me well are aware that i'm kind of r..... when it comes to this. Till now, i have never work OT (after 7pm) during my 2yrs plus with Indium (firstly, i'm quite efficient to complete my day's work on the day itself :p~~ secondly, i don't wish to be stared at by tons of blacks!) Not that i'm bias or uncompassionate towards these workers who abandon their hometowns and headed to S'pore to earn a living, just that i simply can't tolerate the way they look at people! My mum always scolded me for being heartless BUT......sign, uncontrollable feeling/reaction if you know how i feel.

Ok, enough of the scary hostel. Well, i do have a bunch of lovely colleagues (there are exceptional of course) and that constitutes part of the reason why i intend to stay even i have obtain my degree recently. What's important to me in my worklife aside to job satisfaction is the team spirit and cohesiveness hence the team memebers play a crucial role in my career. Therefore, 3 cheers to my colleagues in Indium! hehe! "It's all about YOU!" (our group name in the recent Sales meeting at Bintan).

Lastly, i wish Indium will prosper in the many eleven years to come and may it strengthens its presence in Asia just like it does in USA!

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